Sorry to all Czech readers, but this article should be primary in English.
A few days ago I bought Sony PRS-T1 e-ink reader. I root it and unlock Android on it ( Everythink works fine, but one day I set up PIN lock using standart Android settings. There is allowed use 16 digits PIN. OK I set up 5 digits. Problems start when device locked up. Unlocking screen allow only 4 digits PIN entry.
So I try find out how disable PIN, finally I found it. There is a manual how disable lock.
- Reboot your device using sharp pencil, hold Home + Menu button and power up device (
- On Windows should be needed to install drivers.
- After this continue following steps written in link
- Start Putty on COM port which you found in computer management
- Press Enter key and log in using username root
- Now cd to /tmp
- Insert microSD card to your device
- Use following code to mount /data and sdcard partition
mkdir sd
mkdir data
mount /dev/mmcblk0p1 sd
mount /dev/mmcblk2p9 data
cp data/data/ sd/settings.db
umount sd
- Now you should have your settings.db on sdcard
- Connect sdcard to another pc and use SQLite DB editor (for Win for example SQLite Database Browser Portable)
- Open settings.db in app and in Execute SQL entry
update secure set value=0 where name='lockscreen.password_salt';
update secure set value=0 where name='lockscreen.password_type';
- And execute query
- Save file and close aplication, disconect you sdcard and put it back into your device
- Get bact to Putty and entry
mount /dev/mmcblk0p1 sd
cp data/data/ settings.db_bak
cp sd/settings.db data/data/
umount sd
- Device should reboot and lockscreen disappear
Thats it, it looks more difficult than it realy it
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