Sony PRS-T1 Lockscreen problem

Sorry to all Czech readers, but this article should be primary in English.

A few days ago I bought Sony PRS-T1 e-ink reader. I root it and unlock Android on it ( Everythink works fine, but one day I set up PIN lock using standart Android settings. There is allowed use 16 digits PIN. OK I set up 5 digits. Problems start when device locked up. Unlocking screen allow only 4 digits PIN entry.

So I try find out how disable PIN, finally I found it. There is a manual how disable lock.

  1. Reboot your device using sharp pencil, hold Home + Menu button and power up device (
  2. On Windows should be needed to install drivers.
  3. After this continue following steps written in link
  4. Start Putty on COM port which you found in computer management
  5. Press Enter key and log in using username root
  6. Now cd to /tmp
  7. Insert microSD card to your device
  8. Use following code to mount /data and sdcard partition

mkdir sd
mkdir data
mount /dev/mmcblk0p1 sd
mount /dev/mmcblk2p9 data
cp data/data/ sd/settings.db
umount sd

  1. Now you should have your settings.db on sdcard
  2. Connect sdcard to another pc and use SQLite DB editor (for Win for example SQLite Database Browser Portable)
  3. Open settings.db in app and in Execute SQL entry

update secure set value=0 where name='lockscreen.password_salt';
update secure set value=0 where name='lockscreen.password_type';

  1. And execute query
  2. Save file and close aplication, disconect you sdcard and put it back into your device
  3. Get bact to Putty and entry

mount /dev/mmcblk0p1 sd
cp data/data/ settings.db_bak
cp sd/settings.db data/data/
umount sd

  1. Device should reboot and lockscreen disappear

Thats it, it looks more difficult than it realy it

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